1. How long do I have to wait for my order to arrive?
Delivery takes 7-14 business days. Once we receive your order, the item is carefully packaged for delivery. It will leave our warehouse within 2-4 business days of ordering. We send all orders by FedEx, DPD, USPS, DHL or UPS Express service and you will receive it within the next 5-10 business days. In short, you will receive your order within 7-14 business days of ordering.
2. How much is shipping? Where do you ship to?
For all orders, shipping is FREE. We use FedEx, DPD, USPS, DHL and UPS Express services. They are extremely quick and secure.
Currently we ship to the United Kingdom, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden.
3. Will I have to pay additional charges on delivery?
All our prices are final. There will be no additional charges.
4. Is shipping insurance included?
Yes, for all orders, we include full shipping insurance for free. The coverage is 100%. You will be fully protected if your package is lost or damaged.
5. Where are your products shipped from?
We have warehouses in Hong Kong, US, EU, and the UK. Your order will be shipped from any of our warehouses, depending on the logistical situation. We use FedEx, DPD, USPS, Chronopost, and UPS Express services, which are the best in the business. No matter where it is coming from, once an item is on flight, it will take only 2-3 business days to arrive at your doorstep. The tracking information is updated constantly on the courier websites, so you will know what's happening.
In addition, all import charges will be covered by us fully, and will be billed to our shipping account directly. You will not have to pay any extra amount to receive your order.
6. Can I track my order?
Yes, you can. After you have placed an order at Panamoz Electronics, we will email you the order details and order status. You may also check the order status and details online. Simply login to, and go to your Buying History, all of your previous orders will be shown on the page. You are able to review the details of each order, the price, the item and the order status. We will keep you updated on your orders. Every time when the status of your order has been updated, you will be notified by email from our customer service representatives. If your order has been shipped, we will email you the tracking number which will be trackable online.